Using ADDR


Course Summary

Gain hands-on experience with techniques that efficiently transforms product discovery insights into a REST-based API design.

This is a self-paced course designed for software engineers, architects, app developers, and technical product managers responsible for designing and delivering web APIs.

Course Outcomes

This course will help you to deliver API designs that are driven by an outside-in API design approach that focuses on outcomes, not just data.

Additionally, you will gain a deeper understanding of how an API design first approach helps to improve delivery speed, reduce the cost of change through frequent feedback, and prevent increased technical debt commonly incurred with a code-first API delivery approach.

Earn a Certificate of Completion

Course Completion BadgeA badge and certificate of completion are awarded upon successful completion of the course, including passing all quizzes and assignments.

Course Objectives and Skill Badges

As you complete this course, skill badges will be awarded as you achieve the following unit objectives:

Skill Badge: The Art of API DesignThe Art of API Design

  • Identify the purpose of an API design first approach to API delivery
  • Explain the reasons for adopting a repeatable, scalable API design process

Skill badge awarded: The Art of API Design

Skill Badge: Aligning Using ADDRAligning on Digital Capabilities and Outcomes

  • Identify the components of a job story
  • Compose job stories
  • Identify the components of an activity step
  • Decompose composed job stories into activity steps

Skill badge awarded: Aligning API Design with ADDR

Skill Badge: Defining Using ADDRDefining API Profiles

  • Identify the components of an API profile
  • Identify the steps necessary to compose an API profile
  • Compose an API profile based upon the job stories and activity steps created previously
  • Define the API resources that the consumer will use to interact with the API
  • Explain the value of sequence diagramming an API profile based upon the desired outcomes of captured job stories
  • Validate the API profile using sequence diagramming to demonstrate intended API usage and address missing operations

Skill badge awarded: Defining API Design with ADDR

Skill Badge: Designing Using ADDRDesigning a REST-based API (Part 1)

  • Identify the components of a high-level API design
  • Identify the steps necessary to transform an API profile and resources into a REST-based API design
  • Compose a high-level design of an API based upon an API profile

Skill badge awarded: REST API Design with ADDR

Skill Badge: Refining Using ADDRDesigning a REST-based API (Part 2)

  • Explain the value of sequence diagramming a high-level API design based upon the desired outcomes of captured job stories
  • Compose a sequence diagram using the high-level API design
  • Identify common approaches to documenting and demonstrating the intent of an API design
  • Identify the reasons for API mocking to validate and communicate an API’s intended use
  • Identify common variations of API mocking available
  • Perform API mocking by providing examples of intended API usage for feedback
  • Document a REST API using the OpenAPI Specification (OAS), given a starter template

Skill badge awarded: Refining API Design with ADDR

Ready to Get Started?

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